A Beacon of Strength and Resilience

Gemma is a bright and intelligent young lady who was hard working and living life to the full. She studied for a degree in equine therapy and had a real passion for all things equine related. She was a groom for event riders, a brand ambassador and an experienced horse woman. Gemma loved and successfully retrained two ex racehorses, Charlie and Chant. Competing successfully at numerous events and shows.

Gemma’s unwavering positivity, spirit and sheer determination has shone brightly during the most devastatingly difficult years of her life. Gemma and her family are extremely grateful for the kindness and support they have received.

How can you help:

To live a fulfilling life and aid her recovery journey, Gemma requires specialised equipment and ongoing physical therapy.

Any funds raised will help to finance this. Which will in turn give Gemma every possible chance to regain any movement and improve her mental health.

The ultimate goal would be to fund a 12 week physical therapy placement at a specialist residential rehab centre. This alone would cost in the region of £114,000 (Steps Rehabilitation in Sheffield).

In the last few years, Gemma and her family have come to the sad and shocking realisation of how little is provided to help people with life changing injuries. It’s heartbreaking to know how much money it takes to give those in Gemma’s position quality of life and hope for the future.

Thank you for being a part of the Gemma Potts Community and for your generous support.

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The next milestone on Gemma’s Journey is to fund a 12 week physical therapy placement at a specialist residential rehab centre Steps Rehabilitation in Sheffield. This step would cost in the region of £114,000.

The results of the 12 week physical therapy will dictate the next steps for Gemma’s Journey.